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Star Trek: The Fall – Another Masterful series extends the Star Trek Canon January 19, 2014

Posted by showmescifi in ShowMeSciFi.com.
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We’ve never been fans of the new rebooted Trek franchise, which is why the Star Trek book that live on in the ‘legacy’ universe are so very much appreciated by us.

The lastest big Star Trek ‘event’ series , known as The Fall – once again re-affirms our faith in all that is good about Star Trek and Star Trek books. This isn’t a big scifi exploration or thought adventure, but rather a scifi policitical drama with more twist, turns, drama that we can count.

Political intrigue, action galore – each book in the series building on the next, each extending the story in new and meaningful ways and each enjoyable in it own right.

Star Wars: Crucible – the Worst Star Wars book of 2013? January 1, 2014

Posted by showmescifi in ShowMeSciFi.com.
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Troy Denning has written a bunch of really solid Star Wars books in his career, Crucible is not one of them. This book is easily the worst Star Wars book we read all 2013 (finished NYE), with little direction, point, plot or real energy.

The writing is poor and clealry is rushed and uneditted to the point where we were skipping over entire paragraphs of garbarge that felt like they were there just to meet some arbitrary word count. Sure it’s neat to see Vestara Khai again, though her role here is a bit muted and our regular cast of character, Han, Luke, Leia are all now apparently going to take a break of some sort….

Though given that Luke was on hiatus from the Jedi Order and Coruscant for much of the Fate of the Jedi series, he’s ‘away’ more often then not.

Overall, a waste of time.